Our Impact
ADRA’s five core sectors include Food Security; Health; Livelihood; Education; and Emergency Management. ADRA FIJI has developed its expertise in these sectors and in various sub-sectors, specifically in Livelihood & Food Security, WASH, Emergency Management, Disaster Risk Reduction, Environmental and education. FIJI employs a team of experienced staff that design, manage, and implements its programs in accordance with donor, ADRA policies, and requirements. ADRA’s technical team includes Managers, coordinators, WASH, DRR, Education, Climate Change specialists, finance team, officers, and accountants. The administrative and managerial team includes Country director, Programs director, finance director, project technical and program officers and monitoring and evaluation personnel.
ADRA Fiji promotes healthy life style changes as part of the intervention to combat sickness that leads to death in Fiji.

ADRA Fiji works closely with the Ministry of Education to address the education needs of our children, especially those in vulnerable communities.
Livelihood is one of the core strength of ADRA Fiji in empowering Fijian rural communities’ basic knowledge and practices on how to better manage livelihood and the agriculture adaptation to climate change.

ADRA is a principal agency that responds with food packs and WASH kits distributions in any disaster, working closely with the Fijian government, particularly the National Disaster Management Office.