Cash for Cultivation Initiative
A total of 3793 affected farmers in Fiji have been assisted through the Ministry of Agriculture Fiji ‘s Cash for Cultivation Initiative.
Funded by the Australian Government and implemented by the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) Fiji, the Initiative has impacted many lives especially those who suffered the double blow of the cyclones
(TC Yasa/Ana) & COVID-19.

The Cash for Land Cultivation initiative gives farmers the choice to utilize the assistance on their priority needs whether to pay for labour, buy seedlings or crops, farming equipment or to meet whatever farming needs they have.
Watch this video to see how our recipients have benefited from this program in the first and second phases.
TDRCC - Disaster Preparedness
The Church Agencies Network and Disaster Operation (CAN DO) is a consortium of faith-based agencies under the Australian Humanitarian Partnership formed to better coordinate and strengthen our global humanitarian, disaster risk reduction and management and resilience building work.
In Fiji, the CAN DO consortium has 9 members and is led by the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) Fiji (Secretariat). Working closely with our churches and providing intervention on behalf of the Fiji AHP – Australian Humanitarian Partnership, CAN DO’s work is always inspired by the teachings of Jesus Christ to create a just world.
One of the projects under CAN DO is TDRCC (A Theology Of Disaster Resilience In A Changing Climate) focusing on campaigns that links theology and disasters with hopes that people (church members) will achieve the ultimate aim of being Disaster Ready.
Watch this video to hear Disaster Preparedness message from our CAN DO Partners!
Yadrayadravi Accountability & Monitoring Project
The Yadradravi Accountability & Monitoring Project was a 3-year project funded by the European Union that ended in 2021. It aimed to strengthen capacities of civil society organisations (CSO) in Fiji, foster governance and accountability, and communities to support governance and the accountability systems at local and national levels.
The Vakarau Wai Fiji Pro Resilience Project was funded by European Union & implemented in drought prone areas of Macuata and Ba from 2018 to 2020. The project was designed to improve the resilience and adaptive capacities of vulnerable communities and subsistence farmers, and to reduce food and nutrition insecurity in the provinces of Ba and Macuata.