The Yadrayadravi Accountability & Monitoring Project, an investment of $1.8million by the European Union that was implemented by the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA), officially ends today with the final Exit Strategy Meeting held at the Holiday Inn in Suva.
Officiating at the meeting today were the Deputy Chief Executive Officer for the iTaukei Affairs Board, Mr. Josefa Toganivalu and His Excellency Mr. Sujiro Seam, the Ambassador for the European Union in the Pacific. Exit meeting in Savusavu
Following the Exit Strategy Meeting held in Savusavu last week, the project was described as a success by the people of Cakaudrove who have witnessed the benefits of the training conducted on accountability, transparency and good governance.
The achievements were evident in three key areas: strengthened institutions and CSO’s capacities in financial management, accountability, networking and participation; improved community coordination and engagement into policy dialogue in collaboration with multiple partners and enhanced accountability of local and national governments.
“One of the missing links within all CSOs over the years has now been bridged through this program and it should be introduced and implemented across Fiji,” said Mr. Emosi Viavia, President of Cakaudrove CSO.
“Today, the people of Cakaudrove unite to sincerely thank ADRA for the tremendous job. They are leaving behind a legacy for us to follow. For instance, at the moment, there’s abundance of kava supplies in the province selling at really good rates. However, the farmers are school drop outs. Most of them didn’t event reach high school, some of them only reached lower level of primary education so when ADRA and the Yadrayadravi Accountability and Monitoring Program was implemented, it really taught them well, improving their capacity in financial literacy,” said Mr. Sekaia Vatucicila, representative of the Cakaudrove District Council. “
The entire people of Cakaudrove are thankful for the contributions by ADRA Fiji and EU in helping to strengthen their capacities in financial management, accountability, networking and participation – helping them to save for their future.”
ADRA Fiji also supported the Provincial Administrator of the Cakaudrove District in meeting with provincial officers and community leaders, including village headmen. Through this intervention, the project advocated for accountability and transparency mechanisms to be included in governmental processes taking place in the districts, including those related to public spending, while also empowering communities to make use of these processes to advance their own objectives and priorities.
“ For the past 3 years, we managed to design the integrated Village Development Plans. That is one of the drawbacks for the Cakaudrove Provincial Council that we were not able to do without funding from the project. With ADRA coming on board, we were able to develop the IVDP through trainings conducted in all 134 villages in the 15 districts of Cakaudrove . Thank again to ADRA for the great support that we had for the past 3 years,” said Mr. Filimoni Naiqumu, the Roko Tui Cakaudrove.
The project also developed partnership between ADRA Fiji, the Ministry of Education and FICAC in advocating for good governance and developing a specific curriculum including information on good governance, transparency and accountability for the 13 Secondary Schools in the province.